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Brian Dimsho
Brian Dimsho is a USTA certified official and the resident official of the Orange County Grand Prix.


mistake in order of service in tie breaker
by Mark

Q: During a tie-breaker the oppossing team accidently served out of order. They caught the error after one point was played. Does the score stay and the other player takes one serve? Does the rule state -correct the error, but the score reamains the same? Thanks.

A: Mark in the case you discribe in this tie break the point played stands (just a note to remember in most cases all points played will stand). As this was the first point of a turn of service you would have the correct person of the serving team serve the second point and resume the correct serving order. If this was the second point of the turn of service than the serving order would be altered. Another little trick to remember to help in a Tie Break (is that no one, or team can serve more than 2 points in a row in a Tie Break). Brian
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